Your Say

Here’s what some past participants had to say about their experience on the project:

What did you think about the project?

“A truly wonderful experience; I would recommend it to everyone.”

“I loved it!”

“It was a good challenge.”

“I enjoyed it all week.”

“It was all unique. No covers. No one else can have what we made.”

“The part that worked for me was collaborating with other people. I found that I had more confidence.” 

“I’d do this every week.” 

What have you learnt from the project?

“I learnt to trust myself more confidence-wise; I realised I need to stop holding myself back.” 

“If I believe in myself I can do it.”

 “There’s no turning back for me now!”

“It has reinforced skills for me.”

What changes did you notice in yourself over the project? 

“My confidence grew in many ways such as communicating with others and performing.”

“I found myself socialising more with other people.”

 “I am more confident in my abilities.”

“I feel more confident from this week. I never thought I could play or learn about music and we made 4 songs.”

What about the performance?

“I was stressing proper. I thought my legs were going to collapse and I’d be sick everywhere – but we managed to channel it into a good performance.”

 “I was nervous but I got into it quick.”

“There was a good vibe between us, everyone was focusing.”

“The performance we did last night was bang on. No mistakes. Nothing.” 

Former Making Tracks participant Lucine talks about her experience of taking part and performs for our 25th Birthday Show: